Tough Start Incorporated (TSI) is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation, formed in the state of Indiana in August of 2004. TSI is registered to offer services in Indiana, California, Alabama, and Florida. The organizational concept was originally conceived in 1993 when its founder witnessed growing disparities in education, and job training in high growth occupations, specifically among minorities living in urban and rural areas. Since 1993, disparities have grown, and needs have become greater.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to become a national leader in adult education, transforming the lives of those often overlooked.
Mission Statement
We will provide the opportunity for economic empowerment through education, job training, homeownership counseling, and business development.
Values (Support)
Sustain - We accept our individual and team responsibilities, and will continue to be dedicated to those in need of our services.
Unique - We are creative in delivering assistance to our clients and community. It is our goal to provide distinctive and exceptional services.
Promote - Economic empowerment is a necessary element for a prosperous life. We will support and encourage our clients to set and then achieve their goals.
Plan - We will continuously review our strategy and make changes when necessary.
Opportunity - Our clients will have the chance to change their lives, and never look back.
Research - As a philanthropic organization, it is our responsibility to continuously study the needs of specific populations.
Teach - Our clients will obtain valuable skill sets that will lead to gainful employment, sustained homeownership, and or improved business operations.